
英语讲故事2024-04-27 Water is running down on the rocks

作者:Bruce | 时间:2024-4-27 17:18:38 | 阅读:44| 显示全部楼层

Ok, here, we seethe clear water run its way down the rocks in the riverbed. Some other rocksbuild up the bank, which narrows the water to flow in a rapid way.
When the water alarge area of flat surface, it becomes sluggish.
When the waterreaches the edge of the flat rock, a waterfall forms. That is the theory of howthe energy of water transited into electricity through a big dam. Take thethree gorges dam in china for example, it is hydroelectric gravity dam.
When the waterruns down, a beautiful curve is achieved in the air, which may create an enoughspace.
The rocks may beworn out through the years of water rushing and clashing, that is able toremove 石头的棱角, and makethem into large pebbles.
With water occupiedfor long time, there will be green algae living on the rock surface.
Apparently, thereis so much moss on these 贫瘠的 rocks.


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