
英语讲故事2024-04-27 People waking under huge rocks

作者:Bruce | 时间:2024-4-27 17:13:11 | 阅读:42| 显示全部楼层

Here we see a beautiful view, with very placid and quiet place.
The huge rocks forms an enclosed environment, and the greenery plants presents an pleasant atmosphere.
We see some people(很悠闲地走) rambling around, trying to make the best use of this scenery.
The brick-paved path leads people moving forward, in a leisurely aimless manner.
When we raise oureyes, and look out far into the sky, it is deep blue, without a touching ofhazel. (杂质).
The clouds are just like balls of cotton hung under the blue curtain.
It gives people a feeling, soft and gentle, loveliness, and warming.
As I look at the sky, actually I feel my mind is of little burden, and empty headed,
without any thoughts floating around.
Just a feeling of myself being cared by the gentlewind.


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