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三品空间»论坛 三品空间 英文名著 Gone With The Wind
Gone With The Wind
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Chapter-6 India rose tiredly from her seat beneath the arbor and went toward the angry Stuart Tarleton. Bruce 2024-10-26 029 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:43
Chapter-6 There was a startled silence and then the buzzing broke out again. Bruce 2024-10-26 025 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:43
Chapter-6 Then he walked across the lawn with John Wilkes, his black head in the air, and the sound of his discomforting laughter floated back to the group about the tables. Bruce 2024-10-26 026 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:43
Chapter-6 He swung about, facing the crowd, clicked his heels together and bowed like a dancing master, a bow that was graceful for so powerful a man, and as full of impertinence as a slap in the face. Bruce 2024-10-26 022 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:43
Chapter-6 I fear I must go back to Jonesboro early this afternoon where a bit of business calls me. Bruce 2024-10-26 026 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:42
Chapter-6 Would it be too great a favor to ask to see it now? Bruce 2024-10-26 025 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:42
Chapter-6 I mean, he answered, what Napoleon��perhaps you've heard of him?��remarked once, 'God is on the side of the strongest battalion!' and, turning to John Wilkes, he said with courtesy that was unfeigned: You promised to show me your library, si Bruce 2024-10-26 025 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:42
Chapter-6 Rhett looked at him with polite but mocking eyes. Bruce 2024-10-26 024 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:42
Chapter-6 Sir, said Stuart heavily, what do you mean? Bruce 2024-10-26 022 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:41
Chapter-6 Usually they had to hear of it third-hand. Bruce 2024-10-26 021 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:41
Chapter-6 Just the same, all the ladies felt pleasantly excited, for it was so seldom that they actually saw a scene or a quarrel. Bruce 2024-10-26 025 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:41
Chapter-6 Of course, the Tarleton twins had nice manners and they wouldn't make a scene at a barbecue, even though tremendously provoked. Bruce 2024-10-26 025 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:40
Chapter-6 Stuart Tarleton, brows lowering, came forward with Brent close at his heels. Bruce 2024-10-26 023 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:40
Chapter-6 But, even if it were true, he was no gentleman to make such a statement��and at a party, too, where everyone was having a good time. Bruce 2024-10-26 022 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:39
Chapter-6 Why, she'd never even seen a factory, or known anyone who had seen a factory. Bruce 2024-10-26 022 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:39
Chapter-6 Even while she felt the hot blood of wrath still in her cheeks, something in Scarlett's practical mind prompted the thought that what this man said was right, and it sounded like common sense. Bruce 2024-10-26 023 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:39
Chapter-6 Then an ominous murmuring arose in the crowd and from under the arbor came a humming as unmistakable as that of a hive of newly disturbed bees. Bruce 2024-10-26 022 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:39
Chapter-6 Rhett Butler removed a fine linen handkerchief from his coat pocket and idly flicked dust from his sleeve. Bruce 2024-10-26 019 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:38
Chapter-6 For a tense moment, there was silence. Bruce 2024-10-26 026 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:38
Chapter-6 They'd lick us in a month. Bruce 2024-10-26 019 Bruce 2024-10-26 10:38
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